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Release 2.12.3 available

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Deployment reset while the page was loading


I have a problem deploying large packages via ocs inventory:

I want to deploy Office365, which is 4GB in size

So I went to modify the php.ini file to set the following values:
post_max_size = 20G
upload_max_filesize = 20G
memory_limit = 512M

I also edited all lines php_value in /etc/apache2/conf-available/ocsinventory-reports.conf like this:
php_value post_max_size 20001m
php_value upload_max_filesize 20000m

And restart the serveur

this is the server information:
Nom du système :Linux x86_64
Version :4.19.0-14-amd64
RAM totale :7978 Mo
RAM disponible :7054 Mo
CPU :Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2420 v2 @ 2.20GHz
Distribution :Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Version de PHP :7.4.32
Serveur Web :Apache/2.4.38 (Debian)
Serveur SQL :Debian 10 version 10.3.36-MariaDB-0+deb10u2
Version OCSReports:2.8

The problem:
So the problem is that when I upload the office365 zip file, after 30 seconds of waiting, I get the following message and the upload didn't work:

The connection has been reset
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

Thank you in advance for your help in solving this problem.

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (440 points)
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8 Answers

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Best answer


As I hate failures and especially hate not being able to find alternative solutions, I persevered and found a very special solution.
I'll use the installation of Office365 as an example.

To install office365, I have the setup.exe file, the xml configuration file created with office deployment tool and the office365 directory.
All these files and directories are in a subdirectory named Office365 and hosted in a shared, dedicated, read-only directory on a SAN (IP accessible to all machines and users in the domain.

Then I simply created a .bat file (office365.bat for me,compressed into a zip file of course) to run the installation script, which I ask OCSInventory to execute.
This bat file simply contains the following lines:

\\\ShareOCSInventory\Office365\setup.exe /configure \\\ShareOCSInventory\Office365\ConfOffice.xml
exit 0

With this technique, even the largest packages can be installed remotely with OCSInventory during mealtimes, for example, or whenever you want.

by (440 points)
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0 votes
NO, OCS was NOT designed for this. Think different ...

(May be Php too ...)
by (20.2k points)
0 votes
Are you saying that OCS isn't designed to deploy large packages like Office365? Or that the problem isn't with OCS but with my php configuration?
by (440 points)
Hi @phi63,

your method of proceeding is the best way to saturate the OCS server, as well as the Internet link (imagine the network load for x machines, certainly for several days with the risk of packet resumption !) - Follow what @jacquesh suggests !
0 votes
IMHO, OCS and PHP are NOT designed for sending (efficiantly) a 4Gb zip file.

200k, 2Mb, 50Mb, maybe 100Mb, it's ok, but 4Gb NO, definively NO.

You don't also consider an important element : when you have to install a such large package, you CAN'T run installation at anytime ! You have to organize installation at next starting time, for a 'quiet' moment, for example ...

IMHO, you can consider create a task which download the package and verifiy signature (and retry until signature is ok) ...
by (20.2k points)
0 votes
Thank you for your answers

So I'm going to drop OCS for deployments and check out updatengine.

by (440 points)
0 votes
NO, OCS is an excellent solution for inventorying + deploying tools.

Deploy Office365 or Office have to be included when you create computer. And OCS is well adapted for deploy small package or upgrade of the same : example : when you create PC, you can install 7-zip, and due upgrade of software OCS can do the job ..

IMHO, your analysis is too limited : packages need to be installed at creation of PC and others packages could be installed by light deploiement tools like OCS ...
by (20.2k points)
0 votes
Keep in mind : due the size of software installed, you NEED to think the current load of computer : IMHO never, never, run this kind of installation in 'usual' usage = when user is running Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint plus one or two browser ...: user couldn't understand why its computer is low speed (and ask to save and close documents files !)
by (20.2k points)
0 votes
I totally agree with this and it's part of my job to inform them of any slowdowns as installations are in progress.
I want to keep this logic of being able to install these large software packages via a deployment system (even if I only do it once during the first installation) and where I can easily control which software goes on which computer, as I used to do with WAPT by the way.
In any case, I've got other software that I'm going to deploy and whose installation packages are over 15GB, so I've still got some work to do, before I start deploying to client computers running Ubuntu.
by (440 points)
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