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OCS connect to socket mariadb [closed]


I would like to access my local database with socket. No with TCP/IP connection ! It's possible ?

When I use localhost, can't connect but it's Ok.

closed with the note: not possible
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (460 points)
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6 Answers

0 votes
I think it's NOT an OCS problem, but a MySQL/MariaDB problem ... No ?
by (19.9k points)
0 votes
With command line I can connect to MySQL/MariaDB with socket parameter (-S /path/to/file.sock).

But I don't know configure ocs to use this file.
by (460 points)
0 votes
No. I disagree this way.

Definitively, it's better let OCS connect itself to MariaDB with its own method !

And ask you WHY you need connect to MariadDB using socket ? The question is 'really need' !

After, if you stay with your request, ask you how configure MariaDB to support 2 ways.
by (19.9k points)
0 votes
I have lot of people who connect to this server and we do to secure all, network and operating system. Connect with mysql.socket is more faster and more secure I think.

by (460 points)
0 votes

OCS is designed for access MySQL/MariaDB using network and usually 'localhost'= Good chance for change it (OCS) for using socket ! Ask directly creator ...

When you install MySQL/MariaDB, by default, it's bind to and without socket. So security are TOTALLY the same : it's not possible to reach the MySQL server from another computer thru network !

The difference is when you bind MySQL/MariaDB with an real internal ip (192.168.x.x) ...

(I create only dedicated server for OCS ... When you have questions, if you don't give enough informations, why you think readers can understand your requirements ?)
by (19.9k points)
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0 votes
Sorry, lot of think in my head.

THanks for your answer, I forget my idea.
Have a good day
by (460 points)
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