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Deploy sofware doesn`t work computers out domain

Hi all, the deployment function works with computers inside windows domain, but it doesn`t work in computers out of domain.

The final state is "NOTIFIED". The inventory function works fine for both.


in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (240 points)

6 Answers

0 votes
Hi, why you write 'doesn't work' ? Did you check log (client and server and apache) ?

Are you sure, you have redirection to your OCS server in firewall ? you have good public dns records ?

Before asking, you have to check your configuration and logs ...

Usually, if a computer could inventory itself, it could download packages ...
by (19.9k points)
0 votes

I'm sorry. I didn't mean it doesn't work. I'm just describing a behavior.

I have checked everything I know. That's why I wrote in the forum.

Everything seems correct but computers outside the domain remain "NOTIFIED".

Thank you.
by (240 points)
0 votes
I'm not sure to be listened ...

For a windows computer, the client operation are logged in 'C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent' and the important file are 'OCSInventory.log' and 'Download.log'.
by (19.9k points)
0 votes
I'm afraid that I haven´t these files. There aren´t logs files in these folder.

When the  ocspackage.exe was generated maybe the parameter DEBUG was 0 or 2.

I've started working on a client that already has OCS deployed but I've little information.
by (240 points)
0 votes
Never I use OCSPackager, allways I install agent with a simple script. AgentSetup.exe create the program files folder and programdata folder, plus the service. When the service run, it begin with OcsInventory.exe and, if there is package, a download program. This is the reason of these 2 log files.
by (19.9k points)
0 votes
Thank you.

I'll try with AgentSetup.exe in a computer.

by (240 points)
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