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Automatically delete inactive computers

Hey guys!

I would like to know if it is possible to configure ocs to automatically delete assets (computers) that have not been connected to the server for more than 14 days.

I have a very dynamic environment and I need a way to automatically exclude computers whose last inventory is more than 15 days old.

Currently I have been doing the deletion manually.
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (160 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Remove computers ? For which purpose ?

You have some ways to keep an inventory of 'active computers' :

- use Dynamic group

- Archivate computers

If you have a link with helpdesk like GLPI, where you could associate a ticket to a user and a computer, it's a bad idea to remove in OCS ...

Also, with OCS and keeping computers, it's a usual way to keep real inventory : all computers bought by company is inside (with administrative data : date of order, ...).
by (19.6k points)
0 votes
Let me explain better. I work in an environment that has around 600 computers, in which computers have problems every day and they have to be formatted or sometimes they burn out and are replaced, anyway, what I want is to keep an inventory of a maximum of 30 days, that is, If that computer has no connection to the server within 30 days, it is deleted.

I'll give you an example of a problem we had, we recently needed to change the domain of 30 machines, and the ocs kept the inventory of these machines when they were in the old domain (this is about 90 days ago) and created a new inventory of them in the domain new, that is, there is a record of these machines that have not had communication for more than 90 days, and they exist in the current format which is with a different name and on another domain, in this case we manually deleted these computers.

Would it be possible to configure a schedule or something like that so that if the machine has not had a connection to the ocs for more than 30 days, it will be deleted?
by (160 points)
0 votes
When you reinstall a computer, it's obvious you need to delete previous computers. I agree, but it's manual and in the procedure.

Make a dynamic group of computers with last come over 30 days, it's easy. So remove these computers is simple.
by (19.6k points)
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