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Release 2.12.3 available

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Is it possible to collect FileHashes in OCS

Hi OCS-Team,

I want to compare a list of SHA256 hashes with a reference list.
Now I have following questions: 

  • Are there any function already in place to get file hashes in OCS
Thank you in advance.
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

no. it is not integrated, but can easily done with own commands and the result can be uploaded via fileserver or nextcloud.

If you don't want to upload something and see a sucess via ocs-inventory .. you can exit your script via special exit code when the script has found something. If deploy your script and you see a special exit code in ocs-inventory web console you are sure that a specific hash was found.

by (25.2k points)
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