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How to assign asset category to a computer

Hi! I have created several asset categories, may I know how should I assign a computer to one of these categories that I have created? Thanks.
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
To assign a computer to an asset category you have created in OCS Inventory NG, follow these steps:

    Go to the "Inventory > Search with various criteria" page in the OCS Inventory NG management console

Use the search criteria to find the computer you want to assign to a category. For example, you can search by hostname, IP address, or serial number.
Once you have the search results, click the "Assets categorization" button at the bottom of the page

    In the "Create an asset category" form, select the category you want to assign the computer to from the dropdown list. The categories you previously created will be available here.
    Click "Save" to assign the computer to the selected category.

Note that it may take some time for the category assignment to be reflected in the computer's information, as categories are set at the inventory leve
by (24.2k points)
0 votes

1. **Identify the Asset Management System**:

   - Determine the software or system you are using to manage your assets (e.g., Excel, Google Sheets, a dedicated asset management tool like Asset Panda, Snipe-IT, etc.).

2. **Locate the Computer Asset**:

   - Find the specific entry for the computer in your asset management system. This could be a row in a spreadsheet or a record in a database.

3. **Edit the Asset Entry**:

   - Open the asset entry for editing. This might involve clicking an edit button or simply selecting the cell/field where the category information is stored.

4. **Assign the Category**:

   - Select the appropriate category for the computer from a dropdown menu, type it in manually, or choose it from a predefined list of categories. The exact method will depend on your system's interface.

5. **Save the Changes**:

   - After assigning the category, make sure to save your changes. This could involve clicking a save button, pressing Enter, or another method specific to your system.

6. **Verify the Assignment**:

   - Check the entry to ensure that the computer has been correctly assigned to the desired category.

### Example Steps in Excel or Google Sheets

If you're using Excel or Google Sheets, here are the steps:

1. **Open the Spreadsheet**:

   - Open your asset management spreadsheet.

2. **Find the Computer**:

   - Locate the row that corresponds to the computer you want to categorize.

3. **Assign the Category**:

   - Click on the cell under the "Category" column for that row.

   - Type in the category name or select it from a dropdown list if you have data validation set up.

4. **Save Changes**:

   - If you're using Excel, simply save the spreadsheet. For Google Sheets, changes are saved automatically.

### Example in a Dedicated Asset Management Tool

If you're using a tool like Asset Panda or Snipe-IT:

1. **Log In to the System**:

   - Log in to your asset management system.

2. **Find the Computer Asset**:

   - Use the search function or navigate through the asset list to find the computer.

3. **Edit the Asset Details**:

   - Click on the asset to view its details and then select the option to edit.

4. **Assign the Category**:

   - Choose the appropriate category from a dropdown menu or input field.

5. **Save Changes**:

   - Click the save or update button to apply the changes.

If you provide more details about the system you're using, I can offer more specific instructions.

by (140 points)
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