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Release 2.12.3 available

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Problem with Deployment files upload


we are using your software since some years ago and we find it very useful to get a complete inventory of our machines in our network. Now we would like to start using deployment function as well...but we are facing some issue :(

When we upload a MSI looks like everything is correct and we don't get any errors, a part from having 0 fragments in summary recap table with 0 as dimension.  Looks like no files are created in deployment folder, folder itself is created but only with info file inside it.

We are using OCS 2.12.1 on apache 2.4.37 with php version 7.2.24.

Thank you in advance
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (200 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Use php 8 instead of php 7.2 which is now unsupprted.

ago by (89.2k points)
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