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Release 2.12.3 available

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Can't locate DBD/mysql.pm

Hello everyone,

i have a problem with my ocs inventory installation, so far everything works fine my ocsreports site with ssl works and the agent from my windows client sends POST to the server.
But the problem i have right now is that the communication server dont write anything in the database because of this error:

And i cant figure it out the problem the INC path is also set to the path in the error, the permissions are set to apache and i tried it with root too, i also reinstalled it. Maybe someone had a similar problem and knows a solution.

if more screenshots or infos are needed please let me know im still a beginner.

I'm thankfull for any kind of help .

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (180 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Perl DBD::mysql module is not installed. Verify.

by (90.5k points)
0 votes
its installed even with the correct version i checked it, i even reinstalled it like i said in my post  :( so that couldnt be the error

btw sorry for the stupid question but how do i answer to your question
by (180 points)
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