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Release 2.12.3 available

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Duplicate handling in OCS


I have a problem with managing machines that are duplicated, I have several computers that share the same serial number and when synchronizing in the external tool "itop" it only takes one computer, it ignores the others.

Any solution from OCS Inventory?
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (160 points)

2 Answers

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by (24.9k points)
0 votes

I have no idea what the itop thing is, but the OCS-NG Inventory can manage duplicates:

Then you can choose the comparison method you'd like:

Then you can expand found couples and choose what to do with them:

Click the MAC to see the duplicates containing it.
But you MUST keep in mind: when you merging duplicates, for example if they appeared due to mysterious reason, the merged computer will NOT have the administrative notes merged:

If dupe-1 have notes added, and newer dupe-2 have no notes, the resulting mergedupe-2 will not have notes also.

PS. UA? Hello from IT techie from RU: f..cings to politics.

by (400 points)
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