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Put my SSL certif & reach OCS server on HTTPS

Hi Guys, 

This question may already have been asked but I can't find any real good answer to my issue.

I'm trying to put my own SSL certificates on my OCS server (Debian12 with Apache). Seems simple on the thousand tutos I've seen. I have modified the vhost file 

But I don't know what to do after that. This is not working : I can't reach the OCS server via HTTPS on another machine. Even worst, I can't do that in the local server either.

Everything becomes reachable only when I put back the initial config of the vhost.

Can somebody help please?

Thanks a lot

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
'I can't find any real good answer'

NO, NO, NO, you don't search enough, you don't try enough ...

- Milos Zengel link was given allready as best source for include certificate

- OCS give 2 conf file : you don't think to include them in your vhost file ?
by (20.2k points)
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