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How to dl data collected from all computers ?

Hi there

I did not find any menu to retrieve in one shot all informations collected from the whole list of the managed computers.

i.e. : I would like to get all installed apps from all computers in one shot, how to do ? I just found to get the apps from 1 by 1 computer.
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (460 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

perhaps this menu helps you

Inventory -- All Software .. .. There you see the count for every Software

If this is not enough you can try an sql command

SELECT hardware.name AS ComputerName, softwares.name AS SoftwareName, softwares.version AS Version
FROM hardware
JOIN softwares ON hardware.id = softwares.hardware_id
ORDER BY hardware.name, softwares.name;

by (25k points)
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