I tested the IP Discovery on a classe B network (netmask and I have some problem with this fonctionnality.
On Linux agent (Ocsinventory-Unix-Agent-2.1.1), the discovery left in time out and I didn't have no IP send to the OCS 2.1.2 server.
(error message in agent log : Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::IpDiscover::IpDiscover killed by a timeout. )
I found an option to modify time out ( --backend-collect-timeout=20000 ) because this process ipdiscovery takes more than 3 hours. With this parameter and during this time, the agent wait the end of ip discovering process. This not really usable.
On Windows Agent (, I see some log with ip discovering task but I didn't test it completely. But during this time, the ip discovering task seem block any software deployement on this computer.
Is it possible to do it without blocking agent or left in time out (ie. limit each scan at some IP address or range IP address ?)
Is it possible to launch ipdiscover manually and import the xml manually in the OCS server ?
Best regards