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Release 2.12.3 available

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Ram inventory HyperV VM

English :

Hello, when I use the agent on Windows HyperV VM, I see the right memory in ocsreports website but whit 64 empty slot:

System MemoryNone (No ECC)2500System MemoryOther01 
System MemoryNone (No ECC)0System MemoryEmpty slot02 
System MemoryNone (No ECC)0System MemoryEmpty slot03 
System MemoryNone (No ECC)0System MemoryEmpty slot04 
System MemoryNone (No ECC)0System MemoryEmpty slot05 
System MemoryNone (No ECC)0System MemoryEmpty slot06 
System MemoryNone (No ECC)0System MemoryEmpty slot07 
System MemoryNone (No ECC)0System MemoryEmpty slot08 
System MemoryNone (No ECC)0System MemoryEmpty slot09 
System MemoryNone (No ECC)0System MemoryEmpty slot010
-> 64

 Is there a way to have only the memory use for the VM?


French :


Quand j'utilise l'agent Windows sur une VM HyperV, ocs me remonte bien la quantité de mémoire utilisé mais aussi un nombre de slots vide (64) voir tableau ci-dessus. Est-ce qu'il faut faire un paramètres quelques part? 

Merci pour votre aide.


in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (140 points)

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