Hy - i searched for a microsoft update through the ocs "search with varios criteria"
I searched for the update KB3046049
The result was that many computers has this update - but some does not have an entry for this update.
So i decided to login on one of those windows 7 computers(with missing updates) - i used the control panel to check if the update really wasn't installed. Curiously the update was installed - ocs just don't shows me the update.
The specific computer showed 157 Software items in OCS - so i decided to uninstall the ocs client (2.05) and reinstalled the same version. After that procedure ocs shows me 515 software items -
Question - why this can happen ? over 100 computers affected with this problem.
Software deployment and so forth is working good
On another computer with missing updates - i just stopped the ocs inventory service, changed the TTO_WAIT in the ocsinventory.ini to 5 seconds and started the service again.
Before 165 Software itemes - after 444 items - this computer is also running for years and was restarted regulary
Curios - on a third computer - just a restart helps - but bevor restart - i checked the upotime - this system was just 3 day up - on this computer the number of software items increases also dramatically.
On another client (4.)
restart does not help -softwareon server has only 170 items - but 352 hotfixes are installed.
uninstall ocs client 2.05 does not help
installation of 2.05.3 does not help - software inventory is incomplete (i deleted the ocs folder with all settings in between)
Perhaps it has something to to with the software dictionary or / and this bug
PS: Server Version 2.1.1
Client Version on all computers 2.05