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Release 2.12.3 available

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Software deployment does not work: win agent doesn't automaically contact server

Hello everybody,

I'm hitting forums and google since the last three days: I've managed to install OCS Unix server (the last) on my ubuntu box; I've enabled ssl verification and http basic authentication.

I've installed the last agent on some computers in my office network. Everything seems to work (if I manually launch OCSInventory.exe from my agents they will contact the server and "update" the db records).

I've deployed a package but it's not deployng: it's 2 days since the agents have connected to the server.
What should I check? If I run the agent manually the only error I get is:
"ERROR *** AGENT => Failed to write Prolog Frequency <Error code 32 = Impossibile accedere al file, Il file รจ utilizzato da un altro processo. >

Can you give me some hint?
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Which version of ocs server and agent? On which OS?

by (90.5k points)
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