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Office plugin on Windows 8.1


I installed the latest agent (2.1.2) and Office plugin (PluginOcsOfficekey-2.2.4).

When the agent tries to run the script it gives the following errors in the log:

EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Searching for VBS script(s) in folder <C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins>
    EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Found executable plugin <msofficekey.vbs>
    WARNING *** EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Executable plugin <C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins\msofficekey.vbs> output is not UTF-8 encoded or an XML document, trying to UTF-8 encode
    WARNING *** EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Executable plugin <C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins\msofficekey.vbs> output encoded to UTF-8, trying to reload XML document
ERROR *** EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Executable plugin <C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins\msofficekey.vbs> output is not a valid XML document

and creates a file in c:\program data\ocs inventory ng\agent\
The filename is: msofficekey.vbs.xml and the content is:

'cscript' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

when i try to run cscript from cmd i have no problem at all.

Any idea why is this works differently on Windows 8?


Thanks, Robert

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Your vbs must not be named .vbs.xml but only .CBS

by (90.5k points)
The script not named as msofficekey.vbs.xml the script (msofficekey.vbs) creates a file which is named as msofficekey.vbs.xml and the content is:

'cscript' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

And the log contains the UTF8 errors.

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