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Release 2.12.3 available

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Server upgrade from 2.0.5 to 2.1.1: blank page [closed]



We are trying to upgrade our OCSInventoryNG server (Linux RedHat 6, with all components in different servers) from 2.0.5 to 2.1.2. (To be more precise: we do not upgrade the servers, we install new ones, but we need to upgrade the database)

We have launched the upgrade visiting the install.php page and completed the information about MySQL connection.

The upgrade starts (we see on the MySQL server that it uses more CPU) but the page stays blank and never returns. Each time we reload the page, we got the mysql information form to complete.


How can I know that the upgrade runs correctly, and completely?

If it doesn't work in the browser, can I launch the upgrade differently? with the Linux shell for example.




For the context: we use OCSInventoryNG in production in a corporate environment. Our database is quite big (I imagine) with nearly 80000 machines. I'm in charge of the project (tests, and documentation) but I have no direct access to the machines, to run commands or see logs, but I can ask things to be done.
closed with the note: Obsolete
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (570 points)
closed by

1 Answer

0 votes

Some errors in error_log file of Apache?

by (90.4k points)
I'm sorry but at the moment I can't answer, I'm trying to verify with server operators that the installation follow strictly the documentation I wrote. I'll update as soon as possible. Thanks
I finally got some answers but none really clear about the upgrade. I got some log files but no error  in there. So I hope the upgrade has been ok. My verifications using the console or inventoring (even with agent seems to confirm it.

If you know how I can be sure (for example checking any data in the database), I'll be grateful :)
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