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Release 2.12.3 available

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IPv6 support in OCS? question and offer

Hello developers,

I searched the documentation and this forum, but did not find any satisfying hints:

are there plans to support IPv6 in OCS?

For the inventory?

For the communication between client and server?

The latter could work in many cases,already (especially Linux), but the Windows binaries probably need some work and a recompile.

I don't know how to place this question correctly, as it is a general question in the first run, which then can be broken down into detail matters.

some background:

This questions arises from the following story: our company uses OCS for almost three years now, we also made some own additions and patches which didn't make it back into the community from different reasons. But now we are participant in a European Commision part-funded project regarding the introduction of IPv6 in governmental networks.
see gen6-project.eu

As our work to enable OCS for IPv6 would be part of this project we could develop a set of patches and contributions to enable OCS for IPv6 (server part, extend data model, tables, GUI, ..., and in parts the client (Linux probably, Windows as workaround via plugins).

We'd appreciate very much any feedback reagrding this (from my point of feeling bigger) issue from the core developers as we would like to do this work together and coordinated with you.

So we strongly hope for feedback.

Best regards


in Core server development by (140 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
OCS inventory NG allready support IPv6 for communication. As we use standard component, IPv6 work well.

The adaptation must be done for inventory information that the agent retrive and that the server give. Today as most of poeple want to have IPv4 information only, we don't have done the job for ipv6.
by (22k points)
IPv6 transport availability
0 votes

It's planed.

We're working on it.
by (89.3k points)
I'd like to coordinate our activities with yours. How could we reach this?
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