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Snmp issues - Devices not inventoried or collected.

I have setup SNMP per document. I have communications between agent and sever via SSL. Excerpt from ocsinventory-agent --debut log below. I do NOT see snmp_com.txt on the OCS-Ng server. I am running 2.1.1 server.

[debug] Calling handlers : `end_handler'
[debug] [snmp] Calling snmp_end_handler
[debug] [snmp] Snmp: Scanning network
[debug]  - Net::Netmask loaded
[debug]  - nmap found
[debug]  - Net::Ping loaded
[debug] [snmp] Scanning xxx.xxx.37.0 with ping
[debug]  - Net::Netmask loaded
[debug]  - nmap found
[debug]  - Net::Ping loaded
[debug] [snmp] Scanning xxx.xxx.234.0 with ping
[debug]  - Net::Netmask loaded
[debug]  - nmap found
[debug]  - Net::Ping loaded
[debug] [snmp] Scanning xxx.xxx.132.0 with ping
[debug]  - Net::Netmask loaded
[debug]  - nmap found
[debug]  - Net::Ping loaded
[debug] [snmp] Scanning xxx.xxx.170.0 with ping
[debug]  - Net::Netmask loaded
[debug]  - nmap found
[debug]  - Net::Ping loaded
[debug] [snmp] Scanning xxx.xxx.188.0 with ping
[debug] [snmp] Snmp: Ending Scanning network
[info] [snmp] No more SNMP device to scan
[debug] sending XML
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Try to do a snmpwalk on your equipment with the community you have in the OCS server from the client. It's seem that the client can't do a snmp query.
by (2.1k points)
Solved. I was missing Net::IP package. Its always the simple things you miss.
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