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OCS Agent keeps downgrading it's version


So, the company that i work for uses OCS to keep an inventory about the computers and stuff.

We are actually using v4061 of the agent. The thing is, in some cases, the agent will downgrade itself to version, making those machines to stop comunicating with the server/host.

Could use some help.


Thanks in advance.
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi, version is a new version which works with ocs version 2.0.x. So it isn't a downgrading. I encourage you to upgrade your ocs server version to 2.1.2 and your ocs agents to version. Your 4061 and 1.3.x versions are'nt be anymore supported.


by (90.5k points)
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