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Release 2.12.3 available

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Analyze not working

When I click on the Analyze button for uninventoried assets, the screen shows another button with "clear cache."  When I click on clear cache nothing seems to happen.  I followed the tutorial, installed the prerequisites and am not getting any apache errors and don't know where to start to troubleshoot this.  Can anyone help with this?

Unix Server 2.1.2

Unix Agent 2.1.1
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (490 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Some errors into apache error log file?


by (90.5k points)
Hi Frank,  Thanks for the reply. There are no errors getting logged in the apache log file.  Do you have any idea how I can get more logging of that event to troubleshoot?
I made an update to the folder permissions and am now getting the following error:

TCP/IP fingerprinting (for OS scan) requires root priveledges.  QUITTING!
SElinux is disabled

Looking at this solution (http://forums.ocsinventory-ng.org/viewtopic.php?id=12590) the -O parameter requires elevated privileges for nmap and there are security concerns with enabling that by setuid. I removed that parameter in the ipdiscover-util.pl in ocsreports directory and is working.


- system("nmap -R -v @ips -p 135,80,22,23 -oG $path/$filter.gnmap -P0 -O > /dev/null");

+ system("nmap -R -v @ips -p 135,80,22,23 -oG $path/$filter.gnmap -P0 > /dev/null");

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