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Release 2.12.3 available

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OcsPackage don't run with administrative privileges


I have a problem with OcsPackager I build the OcsPackage Installer with username and password of account with administrative privileges. When I run the builded OcsPackage, it does nothing. The ocspackage.log file say:

Acceso denegado.

PsExec could not start instocs.exe:

Denied access with administrative privileges? why? I can run psexec manually with that user and password. If I run then builded OcsPackage with left buttom and "Run as Administrator", with the same user, the ocspackage.log file say:

OCS Inventory NG Packager (All-In-One Agent Installer) : Current user has Administrator privileges
OCS Inventory NG Packager (All-In-One Agent Installer) : Launching Privilegied Installer directly...

Is it a bug?



in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (160 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Wich version of windows? On 7,2008 you must deactivate UAC.


by (90.5k points)
Windows 10. I have UAC activate. I'll try.

0 votes
Windows 10. I have UAC activate. I'll try.
by (160 points)
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