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OCS Inventory Server shows no information


Before the question, I would like to thank you for your job.

I have installed OCS Inventory for Ubuntu Server 14.04 and Im trying to use it with some PC running Windows 10.

I can acces and login into the Inventory website ("192.xxx.x.x"/ocsreports/) from any of the computers where I installed the windows agents, but always shows empty information.

The Windows agents shows computer information correctly, and when I use the "Execute agent" option, it gives me the confirmation message that Inventory has received the information, but when I join the website it is completly empty.

I have search several websites and lots of Q&A post, and I have checked that mod-perl is enable, wich is the most common error. Now I am stuck and have no clue about what is wrong.


Thanks again.

Kind Regards
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (200 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

Are your windows agents configured to use your ubuntu OCS server? http://192.xxx.x.x/ocsinventory
by (1.7k points)
Hi, thanks for your quick response.


Yes it is configured to acces the Ubuntu Server direction.

Now I've tried to install the agent in the same machine that is the Ubuntu server installed, and after some more researh I've found that there is a bug with my Ubuntu version (14.04 LTS).

Seems that OCS Server installation does not work completly well with this distribution, I had to make an alias in the Apache configuration pointing to the installed ocsreports folder so I can acces by browser, but seems there is a virtual folder called "ocsinventory" wich is used by the agent to connect to database. Edit: Here is some information I've found: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2222078

When I run the debug Ubuntu agent it gives me the 404 error, but if I make an alias for 'ocsinventory' pointing at 'usr/share/ocsinventory-reports' it gives me the error '301:Moved permanently'.


In resume, since the installation missed some configuration about the virtual directory 'ocsinventory' wich is used by the agents to send information I get nothing, adding an alias to apache's 000-default.conf works only to acces with the browser to localhost/ocsreports.

Is there any fix for this?


I recommend you install ocs server directly from the ocs packages http://www.ocsinventory-ng.org/en/download/download-server.html
0 votes

Hi, thanks for your quick response.


Yes it is configured to acces the Ubuntu Server direction.

Now I've tried to install the agent in the same machine that is the Ubuntu server installed, and after some more researh I've found that there is a bug with my Ubuntu version (14.04 LTS).

Seems that OCS Server installation does not work completly well with this distribution, I had to make an alias in the Apache configuration pointing to the installed ocsreports folder so I can acces by browser, but seems there is a virtual folder called "ocsinventory" wich is used by the agent to connect to database. Edit: Here is some information I've found: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2222078

When I run the debug Ubuntu agent it gives me the 404 error, but if I make an alias for 'ocsinventory' pointing at 'usr/share/ocsinventory-reports' it gives me the error '301:Moved permanently'.


In resume, since the installation missed some configuration about the virtual directory 'ocsinventory' wich is used by the agents to send information I get nothing, adding an alias to apache's 000-default.conf works only to acces with the browser to localhost/ocsreports.

Is there any fix for this?



by (200 points)
0 votes

Please verify mod_perl is activated in apache.


by (90.5k points)
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