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Release 2.12.3 available

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How to condifigure the frecuency of snmp scan

I have configured one server with the option SNMP enabled.
With the configuration by default, it scans and send the information to the management server every hour and this provoque a big load for several devices that the server scans.
It would be possible to change this configuration and change the frequency of scans ones a day insteado of every hours? I don't see this option in the SNMP configuration.
in SNMP by (610 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
How are you scanning? This is made with the agent execution, you should change the frequency with the agent runs.
by (1.7k points)
I have configured one server with the agent and this server has configured the option to scan via SNMP.
I assumed that if the frequency of the configuration for the agent is every 24 hours (configured on the management console, the option called FREQUENCY Custom inventory frequency), the scan and the inventory vía SNMP would has the same frequency.
But what I've seen is that the scans occurs every hour. Should I have to configure something else to get what I want?
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