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IPdiscovery not able to scan network running Ubuntu


I am just setting up OCS inventory (latest version) on Ubuntu

When I try to do an IPDiscover from the web server I have an "unknown" network listed using the .0 address on server's network. There is no id or subnet mask

I have tried to add a name to this network and subnet mask but it will not let me subnet the change as network id is blank (nothing in pull down)

I cannot type an ID. When I click on the + next to id it takes me to a blank form with no option to add

How do I get the network ID list populated or work around this?

Thanks and regards

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I had another look at this last night. This is a picnic (problem in chair not in computer) issue

To populate the ID's, you click on the + sign next to ID and then select "new data" on the page that comes up. From there you can add the ID
by (210 points)
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