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Release 2.12.3 available

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percentage did not calculated at IpDiscover

Dear Guys,

we are using  OCSNG_UNIX_SERVER-2.2 and at IpDiscover it is not calculating the percentage column. Or it shows 0% or 100%.   I have attached screenshot to clarify the problem.

Executed in DEBUG mode

mysql> SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from (select inv.RSX as ID, inv.c as 'INVENTORIE', non_ident.c as 'NON_INVENTORIE', ipdiscover.c as 'IPDISCOVER', ident.c as 'IDENTIFIE', CASE WHEN ident.c IS NULL and ipdiscover.c IS NULL THEN 100 WHEN ident.c IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE round(100-(non_ident.c*100/(ident.c+non_ident.c)),1) END as 'pourcentage' from (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT hardware_id) as c,'IPDISCOVER' as TYPE,tvalue as RSX FROM devices WHERE name='IPDISCOVER' and tvalue in ( '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ) GROUP BY tvalue) ipdiscover right join (SELECT count(distinct(hardware_id)) as c,'INVENTORIE' as TYPE,ipsubnet as RSX FROM networks left join subnet on networks.ipsubnet=subnet.netid WHERE ipsubnet in ( '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ) and status='Up' GROUP BY ipsubnet) inv on ipdiscover.RSX=inv.RSX left join (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT mac) as c,'IDENTIFIE' as TYPE,netid as RSX FROM netmap WHERE mac IN (SELECT DISTINCT(macaddr) FROM network_devices) and netid in ( '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ) GROUP BY netid) ident on ipdiscover.RSX=ident.RSX left join (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT mac) as c,'NON IDENTIFIE' as TYPE,netid as RSX FROM netmap n LEFT JOIN networks ns ON ns.macaddr=n.mac WHERE n.mac NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(macaddr) FROM network_devices) and (ns.macaddr IS NULL OR ns.IPSUBNET <> n.netid) and n.netid in ( '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ) GROUP BY netid) non_ident on non_ident.RSX=inv.RSX ) toto order by ID asc limit 0 , 10
    -> ;
|      |          3 |            290 |          2 |      NULL |         0.0 |
|   |          3 |             25 |          2 |      NULL |         0.0 |
|    |          1 |           NULL |       NULL |      NULL |       100.0 |
|   |          2 |             16 |          2 |      NULL |         0.0 |
| |          1 |             54 |          1 |      NULL |         0.0 |
| |          3 |             26 |          1 |      NULL |         0.0 |
| |          1 |           NULL |       NULL |      NULL |       100.0 |
7 rows in set (0.03 sec)

Helio Paixao

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (380 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes

Please can you report an issue here : https://github.com/OCSInventory-NG/OCSInventory-ocsreports/issues

Regards, Gilles Dubois.
by (3.1k points)
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