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USERID shows "система" (english: "local system")

USERID shows value "система" (english: "system") on some PCs.

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (270 points)
edited by

3 Answers

+1 vote
If someone know the answer i'm experenting the same Problem !

Thanks guys ;)
by (1k points)
0 votes

This is normal when no user is logged on the machine during the inventory otherwise this logged user is inventoried and dispaly.

Each inventory is made by "local system" user which admin rights has. Normal user does not have.


by (90.5k points)
Thanks for your answer !

Well ok. But i don't understand why it work for some users and don't for 4 or 5 users?

Thank you again

Each inventory is made by "local system" user which admin rights has. Normal user does not have.

No, it is not so. I check it out: user, having admin rigths, generates OCS report contains USERID="local system" when the user is logged in.

0 votes

No luck. The problem is still annoying for me. Can anyone help?

by (270 points)
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