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Release 2.12.3 available

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Export computers with choosen columns

I've upgraded OCS NG to newest 2.2 version and now I have the next problem: I can't export All computers to csv with information from choosen columns. It saves the csv file with full computers' information.
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

At the moment this functionnality is not implemented with the new UI.

You should post a request at this address if you want this functionnality to be integrated.



Gilles Dubois.
by (3.1k points)
+1 vote
  • Locate file ms_csv.php
  • On Linux, use the command 'locate ms_csv.php'
  • Edit the file, looking for this block of code:

if ($_SESSION['OCS']['visible_col'][$protectedGet['tablename']][$name]{1} == ".") {
                $lbl = substr(strrchr($_SESSION['OCS']['visible_col'][$protectedGet['tablename']][$name], "."), 1);
            } else {
                $lbl = $_SESSION['OCS']['visible_col'][$protectedGet['tablename']][$name];

  • Remove the block and put in place this single line:

$lbl = $_SESSION['OCS']['visible_col'][$protectedGet['tablename']][$name];

  • It is a matter of an IF STATEMENT that is put in place to fix or handle something that should not affect anyone under normal circumstances, but it is their to bug your life :D :D (or maybe a dubious attempt to imitate others like OrangeHRM, who  bargain users over documentation!!)
by (160 points)
0 votes
The bug is present in 2.4.1. As far as I remember it was working in past versions. Thank you MK4L for the fix.
by (4.6k points)
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