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Release 2.12.3 available

The official documentation can be found on https://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org. Read it before asking your question.

Problem with teledeploy

I created a package, with the action of Launch and put two scripts to uninstall certain program.
Scripts are working.
Already activated the package and added on my test PC.
But nothing happens.
I do not know what else to do.
in Package deployment by (730 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
just stop the service

OCS Inventory Service in the windows services gui or use this command

sc stop "OCS Inventory Service"

then change TTO_WAIT=5  in the following file

C:\ProgramData\OCS Inventory NG\Agent\ocsinventory.ini

sc start "OCS Inventory Service"

perhaps you must copy the file to the desktop and edit it there - because windows is preventing the direct edit in this folder
by (25.1k points)
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