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Change or add users still not function.


I have a Centos 6.x x64  with stock php 5.3.3.

I setup ocsinventory from tarball not rpm.

But this error about change or add users still exist, does my php version cause this or is related to ocsinventory?

Fatal error: Call to undefined function password_hash() in /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/require/function_users.php on line 104

I can change some settings like some post mention, but doing that crush other stuff in ocsinventory.

What is the status here?

Thanks for your time.
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (410 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

password_hash function requires php 5.5 minimum. So your version is too old. If you can install php 5.5 on your centos it will better.


by (90.5k points)
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