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Release 2.12.3 available

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Error accessing http://SeverIP/ocsreports

Hi, I installed OCS version 2.2.1 on an Ubuntu server, it happens that when I try to access http: // ServerIP / ocsreports the following screen appears:

 <? Php
// ================================================ ====================================
// Copyleft Erwan GOALOU 2010
// Web: http://www.ocsinventory-ng.org
// This code is open source and may be copied and modified the long to the source
// Code is always made freely available.
// Please refer to the General Public License http://www.gnu.org/ or license.txt
// ================================================ ====================================
require ( "require / fichierConf.class.php");

// Before session_start to objects to be allow unserialized from session
require_once ( 'require / menu / include.php');
require_once ( 'require / config / include.php');

@session_start ();
// Magic Quotes:
// This feature Has Been deprecated as of PHP 5.3 and deleted as of PHP 5.4.
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) {
    magicQuotes_awStripslashes function (& $ value, $ key) {$ value = stripslashes ($ value);}
    $ Gpc = array (& $ _ GET, & $ _ POST, & $ _ COOKIE, & $ _ REQUEST);
    array_walk_recursive ($ gpc 'magicQuotes_awStripslashes');

$ Sleep = 1;
$ Microtime debut = (true);

define ( 'AJAX', false);

require ( 'require / header.php');
addLog ( 'PAGE', $ protectedGet [PAG_INDEX]);

if (! isset ($ protectedGet [ "popup"]) &&! isset ($ protectedGet [ "no_footer"]))
require (FOOTER_HTML);

Could anyone help me solve this problem?

Thank you!
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (230 points)

7 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
I had the same issue... You must remove files indicated and rerun setup.sh ;)
by (600 points)
selected by
0 votes
Hi, you must remove this files :


by (600 points)
0 votes
Hi Virgo, changed the name of these files and now mensaem is 404 not found.
by (230 points)
0 votes
It's a first install ?
by (600 points)
0 votes
Yes is the first time I install, and can not identify the problem. I followed all the step by step of the OCS documentation and still can not.

I'll wait for more answers to solve my problem, anyway thank Virgo.
by (230 points)
0 votes
it's ok for you ? :)
by (600 points)
0 votes

Is php installed and enabled with apache?


by (89.9k points)
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