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Correct way to install office plugin


What is the correct way of installing Microsoft Office Plugin to OCS inventory? I found these two guides and used the version 1)

1) Github project https://github.com/PluginsOCSInventory-NG/officepack/releases 

2) Wiki article: http://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org/index.php?title=Plugins:MSofficeKey2.1

And this version of the .vbs https://github.com/boiss007/officepack/blob/master/agent/msofficekey.vbs

I already can see Office key codes but 2016 is not recognized

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (240 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes

Correct way is the first one. Office 2016 will be inventoried with the next release of the plugin.


by (90.5k points)
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