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Release 2.12.3 available

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Using OcsPackager, how can I alter the inventory frequency to every hour?


I am using OCS Server 2.2.1  with Windows Agent

We are deploying the agent via a user logon script, and uploading the package onto the OCS Server.

Everything runs, loads and installs, and sends an inventory right away, except we are trying to get an inventory as frequent as possible, which looks like every hour is the quickest you can do.  Right now it seems that 24 hours is the default.

I have tried many different command options when creating the ocspackage, but the configuration file still shows this every time.

[OCS Inventory Service]



TTO_WAIT=random numbers

This is the latest command line option i have used:  

/S /server:[ipadress]:[port] /SSL=0 /uid /user=admin /pwd=password /FREQUENCY=1 /PROLOG_FREQ=1

I have been able to change this configuration with the web GUI, but would like to be able to have it configured for one hour from the original deployment. 

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated, I have scoured the forums with no avail.

I'm also in the process of enabling the debugging to see if i can find some clues there.

Thank you!

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


To set default PROLOG_FREQ, you should use OCS console (Menu Config, Config) :


by (6.2k points)
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