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Release 2.12.3 available

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MSofficeKey2.1 plugin

i would like to install the plugin and want to do it like it is desciped here.

In the first try i used the setup.sh but after that the web gui was broken and useless.

So i tried it manually and did all steps in the link above but i didn´t find the icons in the web gui.

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (420 points)
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4 Answers

0 votes
What is version of your OCS ?
by (6.9k points)
0 votes
Sorry we use OCS 2.3 on Ubuntu 16.04
by (420 points)
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0 votes
I have the same problem, when I installed OCS 2.3, I could see the menu complete without problems, but when I installed the plugin for office PluginOcsOfficekey-2.2.4, the menú was broken, useless and of course the plugin was broken too.

I use Centos 6.7 - 2.6.32-573.el6.x86_64
by (300 points)
0 votes
Try this:


After the last release this pack works fine for me. But remind you that since 2.3RC the plugins will installed on an otherway. (See instructions on Github)
by (420 points)
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