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computer automatically removed.

in a completely unexpected way and automatic some PCs are removed from ocsserver after a while that were inventoried.

How can I stop this action? because they are deleted?

Is there a log of these actions?


in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (440 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

There is no option that delete automatically inventoried pc on ocs server.

See apache error_log file for errors, /var/log/ocsinventory-server/activity.log for activity on ocs
by (90.5k points)

I noticed that if the automatic synchronization between ocs and glpi is off these PCs are not removed.

I guess I should rivolere glpi forum, nobody here has ever had this symptom?

The elimination of the PC is always for the same devices

In practice this happens .............

The pc contact the server ocs every 24 hours, consequently:

in ocs every day I get a new ID for this pc (because the day before it was deleted);
in glpi is added as new because it does not find the matching id, obvious this creates duplicates in glpi.

For now I disabled the sync between glpi and ocs but it is not a good solution.

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