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Release 2.12.3 available

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setup OCS for deployment

Hi all,

We have an OCS server on CentOS 7 with v2.1.2 and Windows v2.1.1.x, OSX, Linux clients and without an AD server. First of all, we do not have certificate for deplyment, this makes us hard to have the certificate which would make the server url changed from http to https now b/c all the clients update to the current http url!

Is it possible to use package builder to deploy something to the clients in this situaltion without reinstall the clients or any suggestion about this issue?
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (230 points)

4 Answers

0 votes

For changing http to https you must build a script and deploy it at logon. This script stops ocs service, replaces ocsinventory.ini file and restarts ocs service. You can also copy the certificate with this script.


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
Hi Frank,

Sounds great, but how do I deploy this script(maybe a bat or just replace the .ini) via OCS when there is no certificate? I don't have an AD server, it wouldn't be possible to use the GPO.

Many thanks,

by (230 points)
0 votes
How your clients open a session on their machines? If you haven't an active directory environment do you use a NT like envionment with samba? Do you map network drives? If yes how?


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
Hi Frank,

Pardon me that I don't realize the first question. We only map drives on our storage server directly with the IP address by samba. That's why I want OCS inventory to be our central deployment service, lol.

It will be truely impossible to make the clients reinstall OCS or change the server url after adding the certificate individually. Actually, the OCS server should had the certficate and url all done before installing the clients, but it's too late.


by (230 points)
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