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Release 2.12.3 available

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No plugin data is transmitted. (Es werden keine plugin Daten übermittelt.)

No plugin data is transmitted.
If I use / XML test the file contains the data from the plugins.
When I look at the file of the agent to the server is missing this data.

Server / Agent 2.3

OCSAgent.exe /XML


This is missing in the OCSInventory.XML.

OCSInventory.log Shows no error.

Debug = 2

 EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Searching for VBS script(s) in folder <C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins>
 EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Found executable plugin <proxysetting.vbs>
================= TRACE START ===============

================= TRACE STOP ===============
 EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Plugin <proxysetting.vbs> executed successfully
 EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Found executable plugin <sharedfolders.vbs>
================= TRACE START ===============

================= TRACE STOP ===============
 EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Plugin <sharedfolders.vbs> executed successfully
 EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Searching for executable(s) in folder <C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins>
AGENT => Sending Inventory

I am thankful for every help.

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (260 points)
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6 Answers

0 votes

Hi, I've got a smiliar problem.
Using OCS latest stack with docker (configured exactly like instructed on the docker page) and OCS latest agent for window machine.
Agent log show no problem, plugins are executed successfully, everything is sent successfully (shown with debug=2)

If I generate a local XML : .\OCSInventory.exe /local="C:\Test\logs" /force /xml="C:\Test\logs"
The XML file actually CONTAINS the plugins data (looks like <plugintest> ... some data ...</plugintest>).
However, when I connect to my server GUI (localhost/ocsreports), install the plugin "plugintest" :

1. I get this error : "The communication server encountered the following error on install :  " with no error code. I had the error : Err_02 : Module transfer between ocsreports and ocsserver failed ( Can be a network related issue ) which I solved by installing module Apache2::SOAP and restarting apache server.

2.  All mysql tables are created just fine, but never filled. The plugintest page I created (in a similar manner than plugin officepack does) appears just fine and when filling manually the plugintest mysql table, data is displayed. When I select the specific windows machine and browse the XML file (in the server GUI), I see that the XML ocsreports shows me does not contain the plugintest data at all ! 

3. Monitoring the mysql server shows no access denied, apache error log on ocs server show no error anymore... 

I'm lost and can't find any solution for now, is there a guide or instructions to install a plugin manually on ocs server with version 2.3.1 ? I believe the plugin engine can't properly make the link between ocsreport and ocsserver ?

by (640 points)
0 votes
It does not even work locally. What am I to test because servers.
I have already synonymous servers including OS Debian reimposed.
The same problem.
And because agent I have on 5 systems: Windows 8.1, 10, Server 2012 R2.
Nowhere does the agent work.
Can not be a coincidence, or just be with me.
by (260 points)
0 votes

I have now tested the plugins of https://github.com/PluginsOCSInventory-NG and https://plugins.ocsinventory-ng.org/ . On 5 systems nothing works. I do not know what to do now because the whole network does not work.

by (260 points)
0 votes
Unfortunately, the problem continues. I need urgent help here.

(Leider besteht das Problem auch weiterhin. Ich brauche hier dringent Hilfe.)

Thank you

by (260 points)
0 votes
Hi all,

I have the same problems. I made the same test Jeremy did, and I had the same results, except for the: "Err_02 : Module transfer between ocsreports and ocsserver failed ( Can be a network related issue )" because in my CentOS 7 I already had the module Apache2::SOAP, but the error message remains! :(

Is there a solution for us?

Thank you very much for your great work

by (140 points)
0 votes

Forgot about my post, but I remember fixing most of my problems by :

- making sure my plugins tables had a "ID" and "HARDWARE_ID" columns

- making sure my plugins Map.pm and pluginName.conf were correctly put in :

  • /etc/ocsinventory-server/plugins/Map.pm
  • /etc/ocsinventoryserver/perl/Apache/Ocsinventory/Plugins/pluginName/pluginName.conf

If necessary give them correct rights (chmod 755 and chown www-data:www-data) 

Iirc, Error_02 indicates a problem with the creation of Map.pm and pluginName.conf, you have to put them manually, its very possible one of the perl modules is not working properly, unfortunately I cna't remember which one
I also stopped using docker and moved to using a debian or centos 7 VM, it has the bonus of being much more stable, having a gui is a plus too sometimes, and its easier to debug (docker does not like apache service restarts :p)

by (640 points)
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