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Release 2.12.3 available

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How to install uptime plugin / Coment installer le plug in uptime [closed]


I'd like to install this plug in on my debian server https://github.com/PluginsOCSInventory-NG/uptime

Does someone know how to install it? I didn't find anything on internet and i never installed an OCS plugin.

All my client are windows 7 client.



J'aimerais installer ce plug in sur mon serveur debian https://github.com/PluginsOCSInventory-NG/uptime

Est ce que quelqu'un sait comment il s'installe? Je n'ai jamais installé de plug in OCS.

Pour info tout mes clients sont des windows 7


closed with the note: Problem closed
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (1k points)
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2 Answers

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Best answer

Tu peux trouver la documentation d'installation ici => https://github.com/PluginsOCSInventory-NG/uptime/releases. Il faut copier le .vbs dans le répertoire c:\program files (x86)\ocsinventory ng\agent\plugins de chaque client windows. Relancer un inventaire ensuite.


by (89.4k points)
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0 votes
Merci beaucoup Frank :)
by (1k points)
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