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Release 2.12.3 available

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What's the benefits/difference of the GLPI vs OCS

Good day,

I am really sorry if question look stupid, but I am a novice with OCS and particularely with a GLPI.

I already installed an old version of OCS which works for some year. Now I reinstalled the last version of OCS to have a new fresh inventory of my PC, Mac and linux.

My needs are simple: to have an inventory of my devices to have a quick overview of the avalability of specification of my devises. I will not use all of the sepcification of OCS.

Without the GLPI, I think, OCS provide all of I mainly need

  • Listing all of my workstation
  • To have a tag with the workstation location (need to easy modify it if the workstation move)
  • To have a tag, showing if the workstation is in use or available for a new collaborators
  • Periodicaly update the inventory of the hardware change

I installed the GLPI on a testing server, and I observed there is many other functionnaliies as

  • Budget
  • Ticket / assistance
  • provider/manufacturer
  • etc

All seems to be interresting but it's not necessary for me.

More important:
I could install the OCS plugin and I imported the two inventoried PC from OCS. The two PC are now showed in the GLPI web application. However, I observed that in OCS the 'last inventory' date is today, and in the GLPI, the date is the 6 of April 2017. It's important that the records are automatically updated from OCS to GLPI.

I wundering,

  • what are the other benefits of GLPI vs OCS
  • What is exactely the difference with OCS
  • How can I make sure that all GLPI records are updated
  • How can I automatically import record from OCS to GLPI, when a new workstation is added to OCS?

I thank you for all advises you can provide to me in order to correctly use GLPI with OCS in the best way.


in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (200 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
ocs is mainly for inventory of computers and software deployment.

In glpi you can manage assets which are manualy importet (projectors, ... anything)

you can lend items with the help of glpi - so you have an overview of any item which is loaned.

It is also a ticket system.

You can synchronize glpi with ocs automatically with a script


by (25.2k points)
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