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Release 2.12.3 available

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how to create an user to list only one group of TAG?


This is my firts post in community.

Can I create an user to list only computers/group that i select?

How do i do?

in Administrative console by (200 points)

4 Answers

0 votes

Could you explain, please?


by (90.4k points)
0 votes

Hi Frank,

I want to create a user to list only some computers.

I do not want you to list all the computers.

I want to pass the access from my ocs to a client, but it can only list the computers of his company.

Do you understand?


by (200 points)
0 votes

OK. For that you use a "tag". Affect the same tag for a user and his machines then when the user connects to ocs he'll see only his machines.


by (90.4k points)
0 votes

Okay. I installed the ocs agent on the computers. Set the "TAGs" RCSNVL1, RCSNVL2. But I do not know how to list them. How I do? In the installation of the ocs agent I have to choose the user that will list the machine?

by (200 points)
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