Hi Guys,
2 things I noticed using OCSNG on ubuntu.
My install was working but then I saw errors in Apache. Enabling PHP errors I can see the following on the page:
Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50554 Library:50636 in /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/require/function_commun.php on line 160
1. This would not be an issue if PDO is being used instead. Is PDO not the replacement and improvement?
2. The error I got when I uninstalled mysqli_connect also complained that the install.php is missing where as in fact MySQL was not correctly configured for the code used by OCS_NG.
if ((!is_readable(CONF_MYSQL)) || (!function_exists('session_start')) || (!function_exists('mysqli_connect'))) {
} else {
Will it not be better to improve OCS_NG to use MySQL PDO instead and if mysqli_connect is not available to rather complain about that than a missing install.php file?