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Release 2.12.3 available

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Multiple OCS inventory - Glpi link

Hello everyone,

Today we use OCS inventory for one client we would like to use it for multiple client is that possible on same server ? And if it is there is a tutorial or something to get started ?

We use GLPI to manage our clients. Each client have his own entity can we import OCS inventory to one entity ?

The goal is to have multiple ocs inventory and one glpi and to sync each ocs to one glpi entity.

Thank you for help
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

The use of a single OCS server for multiple clients is quite possible, as long as this server is accessible from everywhere (in fact, it is even designed for that !).

So, if the OCS server is today hosted at your client site, it would be better to export it (in data-center for example, to avoid dependence on the client's security rules [firewall, etc.])) and to use different profiles / users / groups of machines.

I don't use GLPI but I think the link with OCS can in your case (multiple clients in OCS to a single GLPI) can be a difficulty to be considered.

Regards, Stéphane
by (32.6k points)
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