I found a similar issue using a custom powershell plugin and OCS Inventory Agent (the latest version
I build a powershell plugin to get version of Microsoft App Package.
The plugin is based on Get-AppxPackage powershell function (example (Get-AppxPackage -name "Microsoft.MSPaint").Version") to get the version and then extend the XML for software.
The final output is:
Write-Host '<SOFTWARES>'
Write-Host '<PUBLISHER>' $appeditor '</PUBLISHER>'
Write-Host '<VERSION>' $version '</VERSION>'
Write-Host '<NAME>' $appname '</NAME>'
Write-Host '</SOFTWARES>'
I've copied the .ps1 scripts on the client and tested it. Executing this:
OCSInventory.exe /local="D:\test" /force /xml="D:\test"
It works. I'm able to get an XLM file with proper data and in the XML there are informations with the software App version.
Using debug I also found this section;
AGENT => Communication Server ask for Registry Query
REGISTRY => Executing query asked by server
REGISTRY => 13 query successfully executed
EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Searching for VBS script(s) in folder <C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins>
EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Searching for PS1 script(s) in folder <C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\plugins>
EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Found executable plugin <plugin.ps1>
================= TRACE START ===============
================= TRACE STOP ===============
EXECUTABLE PLUGIN => Plugin <plugin.ps1> executed successfully
AGENT => Sending Inventory
But if I proceed with a standard installation I'm able to check that plugin is in the right place, BUT seems those informations are not sent or parsed server-side.
How can I debug it?