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Release 2.12.3 available

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OCS Inventory still inventory some programs that have been uninstalled

It seems that OCS Inventory still inventory some programs that have been uninstalled.
One guy of the call center gave me a example.
Have you hear some known issues talking about that ?
I am quite novice on OCS.
How can I check that ? May be some parameters are not correctly entered ? On the agent side ? on the server side ?
I will appreciate your help to investigate what can be done to close this issue.

Additionnal information : 

When  I launch manually thru the agent icon the "Display Inventory Information" task on a PC where the problem has been detected, I still see a "false" entry in the output report  : this entry says that a uninstalled program is still existing on the machine -  the directory where the program is installed is fulfilled but it is no more existing ?

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (180 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote

type this in a command shell

wmic product get Name, Version

Is the software listed there ?

if not look at the registry under


If the software listed in any of these places - ocs will report it

if it is not there try to disable inventory diff on server side

INVENTORY_DIFF Enable or disable differential inventory to speed up the server. With differential inventory, only changes are stored by the server, not full inventory.

by (24.7k points)
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