i did setup an Ubuntu 16.04 server which acts as OSC-Inventory server in my network. Around 20 clients are installed so far and basic software deployment works in general.
I realized i can assign a single package to a single host or a group which both worked in my tests.
One topic which i haven't understood so far are "assignment rules" and how they are used. (Menu: Deploy -> assignment rules)
I do know that i can define them, but i don't understand the user-interface to add them and how they are supposed to be used.
UI lets me configure for example:
- Rule name: test_rule_01
- Priority: 5
- Computer value: NAME
- Operator: =
- Server value: NAME
But what is the target / objective / action behind this rule. there is no direct connection to either software packages nor to hosts.
The wiki documentation for this topic does not exists so far.
Asking in IRC resulted in no feedback at all for this specific topic.
Any help is appreciated.
Best regards