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OCS Unified Unix Agent Plugins - HP iLO Networking using bash script [closed]

Wondering if someone could provide input on using a bash script plugin to capture and report networking details using the OCS Inventory Unified Unix 2.1 Agent.  I have several bash plugins that capture Software details on a Linux device.  I locate these in /etc/ocsinventory-agent/software and they report under the OCS Server software tab without issue.  I am wondering if I develop a bash script to gather Hp iLO info (IP, Gateway, etc), is there a directory where these plugins can be used like the software plugins without creating a perl module in Backend?

I have looked at the Windows Hp ILO plugin, but want the details listed under the standard network interfaces instead of a seperate module.

Any help would be appreciated.
closed with the note: Closed - iLO.pm code integrated in the code.
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (260 points)
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2 Answers

0 votes
I was able to locate in the HPUX branch of the Unix Agent that there is a iLO.pm module that works under linux.  To add I simply placed in /Ocsinventory/Agent/Backend/OS/Linux/Networks, and updated the modules.conf file.  I will submit a request to have this added to the main unified Agent code.
by (260 points)
0 votes

Can you point me on which version of ocs agent you found iLO.pm module, please?

Can you paste here content of iLO.pm module?

by (90.5k points)

Base code used in launchpad branch (needed to update for current unix Agent)

lp:~pakdel-gmail/ocsinventory-unix-agent/hpux/lib/Ocsinventory/Agent/Backend/OS/Linux/Network/iLO.pm (revision 967)

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