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Download CSV Results Do not Match Search Criteria

Version 2.4

When I perform a search using the items below the download csv file contents do not match the software version columns. Yes I chose to view the columns too so I can view them on the screen.

Software Name: Like

Synaptics Pointing Device Driver

BIOS Model:Like

HP Probook*

Software Version:Like

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (530 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
I figured this issue out. Perhaps its working as designed however in version 2.1 the download csv worked as I expected. So to work around the issue in addition to providing the three search criteria I also used the main search field at the top right. When I included the Synaptics Pointing Device Driver to the top right search the download csv filtered the search results using the main search field and the software column in the csv is correct. So it seems you need to use both the initial search criteria and the main search box to get the csv results you would expect and did get in version 2.1
by (530 points)
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