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Release 2.12.3 available

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Building a package over 5GB


I am currently trying to build a package, it uploads correctly but I get the error "Can't open file tmp/"

Could there be permission issues or something else here?

I have the correct configuration in my php.ini.

File uploads are ON

upload_max_filesize is 30G

post_max_size is 31G


in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (370 points)
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7 Answers

–1 vote

You must update ocsinventory-reports.conf file. Those parameters are defined in this file and have priority on those in php.ini. After modification restart apache.


by (90.5k points)
0 votes

Hi Frank,

My mistake, these have already been set in the ocsinventory-reports.conf file. I also tried to set the changes in the php.ini too.

EDIT: I am running PHP7.

by (370 points)
0 votes
Bump. Still looking for answer to this.
by (370 points)
0 votes
after changing you have restarted apache?


by (90.5k points)
0 votes
Hi Frank,

Yes after making the changes, it still does not work.

by (370 points)
+1 vote
The file is temporary generated in /tmp. As I know this partition is small. See upload_tmp_dir variable in php.ini. Set this variable to use a partition with disk space and retry an upload.

Kind regards

by (90.5k points)
0 votes

Thanks for the response Frank,

I have changed the setting to "/uploads"

The "/uploads" directory is owned by www-data.

However, I am still getting the following error;

by (370 points)
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