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Windows agent seems not to prefer non-virtual/non-private IP

Hello all,

if I try to run Windows agent on a computer with more IP addresses, I would expect the agent to report in <HARDWARE> section all of them or, if it has to choose one (e.g. you do not want to change XML format etc.), choose a non-virtual and/or non-private one, if possible.

Actually, I have a computer with a "real" ethernet adapter and some virtual ethernet adapter created by Oracle VirtualBox (but I believe it is only an example and there is plenty of software capable of creating virtual network adapters). The second has assigned some private IP 192.168.x.y --- and this IP is reported by Windows agent in <HARDWARE> section instead of the public IP of the first, "real" adapter. Moreover, it does not seem to be possible to tell apart "real" <NETWORKS> from virtual ones in the .xml file.

I guess that Windows agent should detect "type" of the ethernet adapter (it should be possible to distinguish between "real" and virtual adapters by means of WMI) and prefer to report in <HARDWARE> section only the address(es) of "real" one(s), and similarly, if the computer has more than one IP address, the non-private should be preferred. May be, it could also add some flag to <NETWORKS>, which would describe their "type".

Best regards,

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (120 points)
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