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Two commands at once?

Is it possible to make a package to kill a process and then install another program?

Example: Clamwin updates need to be pushed out, but in order to install, you need to first kill a process that clamwin relies on. This would require, at the least, a command stating taskkill /IM "Clamtray.exe", but could be done in a batch file. One could say that you could install the program through the batch file, but alas that requires an elevated command prompt, which is why I use OCS.

So far the only thing I can think of is pushing a batch file to kill clamtray first and then pushing the install file. Seems like a little too much work, that will more than likely get messed up in the middle of it.

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (260 points)

1 Answer

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I kind of didn't get you right.
I always distribute a batch file with OCS and terminating processes. What exactly is the problem with that?

dear greetings
by (25k points)
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